#WIPjoy Wrap Up #3

1:12 PM

Well folks, I did it again. I took an unexpected hiatus. This was mainly due to the fact that I participated in Camp NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) throughout all of April. Because I always bite off more than I can chew, I set myself the goal of writing 50,000 words by the end of the month. Today's the last day, and I've currently written a little over 29,000 words (which is nothing to sneeze at and is most definitely more than I would've written had I not participated in Camp NaNo). I'm currently rewriting the novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo in November 2015.

To give you a sneak peak into my writing, here's a recap of all my #WIPjoy tweets during April from Twitter. #WIPjoy is a series of month long daily prompts provided by Bethany A. Jennings (@simmeringmind) in which she encourages writers to share bits and pieces of their current WIP (work in progress).

Full disclosure: There were some days when I totally forgot to respond to the prompt and days I intentionally skipped because they didn't fit with my novel. Also, these are tweets so there may be text speak and abbreviations occasionally.

1. Introduce your WIP!

A curse maker teams up with a curse breaker to find lost magical objects and prevent witch from destroying land without magic.

2. Describe your protagonist.

Cyndra is self-reliant, clever, but has trust issues. She's a Slytherin who becomes the reluctant hero.

8. If you like _______, you like my book_____.

If you like reluctant heroines, quests to find magical items, girl friendships, & enemies to allies, you'll like my book Cursed!

Character Takeover Week

10. From the antagonist: happiest memory

Antag's happiest memory: When I met Cyndra, who has the same power as me, after being told my magic was evil all my childhood.

12. Share a line from the MC about food.

You don’t eat snacks during a robbery. Wasn’t that common sense? Maybe she should write a book on the dos and don’ts of thievery.

18. Story location you'd most like to visit.

Fire Canyons. Rivers of fire carved the canyons and make for some spectacular sunsets.

24. Are you a plotter, panster, hybrid?
I'm a hybrid. I plot out the bare bones and then headlight outline for each individual scene. I continue to plot as I write.

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